This paper describes a solution to build network-processor-based Radio Network Controller (RNC) in all-IP wireless networks, it includes the structure of the 3rd Generation (3G) wireless networks and the role of network nodes, such as Base Station (BS), RNC, and Packet-Switched Core Networks (PSCN). The architecture of IXP2800 network processor; the detailed implementation of the solution on IXP2800-based RNC are also covered. This solution can provide scalable IP forward features and it will be widely used in 3G RNCs.
This paper describes a solution to build network-processor-based Radio Network Controller (RNC) in all-IP wireless networks, it includes the structure of the 3rd Generation (3G) wireless networks and the role of network nodes, such as Base Station (BS), RNC, and Packet-Switched Core Networks (PSCN). The architecture of IXP2800 network processor; the detailed implementation of the solution on IXP2800-based RNC are also covered. This solution can provide scalable IP forward features and it will be widely used in 3G RNCs.
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