为什么日本在战后近 6 0年的时间里依然没有对以前的历史进行深刻的反思 ?为什么中日之间尤其在民间会出现一些激烈话语乃至冲突 ?决策者和国民对两国关系的认知程度应该是我们不能忽视的因素。国际政治心理学认为 ,知觉性因素是影响国与国关系的一个重要微观条件 ,尤其是不同文化、社会背景的国民和决策者的认知差异更会损害国家之间的关系并引起冲突。正确认识和理解引起中日之间出现的若干矛盾和冲突的知觉性因素 ,对塑造面向 2 1世纪的良好的互动合作的中日关系具有重要的现实意义。
Why can't Japan reflect on its history of aggression against its East Asian neighbors over the past almost 60 years since World War II?Why is there sharp criticism,rebukes,and even conflicts time and again between China and Japan,particularly between the ordinary people of the two countries?The ideas of the policy-makers and the ordinary people toward the bilateral relationship are important factors,which should not be overlooked,to understand this problem.International political psychology suggests that cognitive factors are an important microcosmic condition influencing international relationships.To be specific,the cognitive differences between the policy-makers and ordinary people with varied cultural and social backgrounds may constitute a potential liability to the bilateral relationship and sometimes may even cause certain types of conflicts in reality.It is be of great importance to have a correct understanding of the cognitive factors which cause contradictions and conflicts between China and Japan,so as to shape a Sino-Japanese relationship based on improved interaction and cooperation into the twenty-first century .
World Economics and Politics