该文利用GMS 5原始数据、GMS 5展宽数据、FY 2A展宽数据和FY 2B展宽数据 ,采用伪彩色增强和灰度直方图分析方法 ,分别对这 4种数据的红外、水汽、可见光通道图像进行了针对杂散光的对比分析以及对杂散信号来源分析。分析表明这三颗静止气象卫星的图像中都存在一定的杂散信号。该文提出了解决杂散光问题主要依靠优化辐射计光路设计 ;地面系统在实时处理、展宽图像时采取简单剔除处理 ,可以减小或消除图像冷空间区域的杂散信号 。
The images of infrared, water vapor and visible channel from GMS 5 raw data and GMS 5, FY 2A, FY 2B S VISSR data are analyzed by using method of pseudo color enhancement and histogram. Some scattered signals are found in the images of three Geostationary satellites, FY 2A, FY 2B and GMS 5. This problem completely depends on the optimize of the optical structure of the spin scan radiometer. When S VISSR data are produced in real time, it is possible that scattered signals within cold space area of the image can be reduced or eliminated, but it is more difficult to eliminate those in the image of earth area.
Journal of Applied Meteorological Science