为了探讨医疗事故和纠纷防范的新路子、新方法 ,降低医疗安全事故的发生率 ,以及为新形势下提高医疗安全管理水平提供参考 ,本文针对军队医院特点 ,从影响医疗安全的各个环节入手 ,提出了防范医疗事故和纠纷的有效措施 :一是大力加强安全教育和作风建设 ,打牢医疗安全防范的思想根基 ;二是努力提高医护质量 ,从源头预防各类医疗事故和纠纷的发生 ;三是加强对军队伤病员管理 ,预防军队伤病员违法违纪 ;四是抓住重点部位、关键环节安全管理 。
In order to find out new way of preventing medical malpractice and dispute, to lower the ratio of medical accident, and to give reference to improving management under new situation, the author put forward viewpoints from links influencing medical safe as followed: Firstly, strengthen safe education to firm the foundation of prevention. Secondly, improve quality of health services to prevent medical malpractice and dispute. Thirdly, enforce management of military wounded to prevent their misdeed. Fourthly, pay attention to key position and key link to actualize the regulations of medical safe management.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army