应用日立307分光测色仪,分别对各种瓷修复体在两种标准光源下的反射率进行测试。通过微机辅助计算系统,得到 C 光源和 A 光源下各种材料的色度值和两者的色差值。结果发现 A 光源下,材料的颜色比 C 光源下变红,两种可铸玻璃陶瓷材料 Dicor 和 Liko 的颜色变化比其他瓷材料更接近自然牙。认为临床上在与 A 光源相似的白炽灯下选色或制作陶瓷修复体是不适宜的。
The color of three kinds of dental ceramic materials which were porcelain-fused-to-metal,hi-ceram and castable glass ceramic material were measured by a HITACHI 307 spectrocolorimeter under the two standard lightsources.Data included reflectance of the material,1976 CIE L a b color coordinate under the light source C and lightsource A,and their color difference value(△EL a b).It was showed that light source A produce a more reddishcolor than light source C.And two castable glass ceramic materials DICOR and LIKO were displaied better proper-ties as natural teeth than other materials.It is out of keeping correct way to match or produce teeth color undertungsten lamp which has similar light to light source A in the clinic and technical room.
West China Journal of Stomatology