目的 :分析并总结颅底肿瘤的常见病变及其MR、CT表现。方法 :对 12 1例MR检查颅底肿瘤者的临床资料及影像学所见进行回顾性分析。结果 :颅底肿瘤的发病率如下 :①垂体瘤最多见 (2 7/ 12 1) ;②鼻咽、副鼻窦恶性肿瘤浸润(16 / 12 1) ,三叉神经瘤 (15 / 12 1)和脑膜瘤 (14 / 12 1)为次好发肿瘤 ;③转移性肿瘤 (7/ 12 1) ,神经纤维瘤 (7/ 12 1) ,骨纤维异常增殖 (6 / 12 1)和脊索瘤 (6 / 12 1)为第三位好发肿瘤 ;④其它少见病例有颈静脉球瘤 ,软骨瘤 ,鼻咽纤维血管瘤和鼻咽纤维肉瘤。他们分别有其相应的CT、MR表现。结论 :CT、MR不仅对颅底肿瘤的诊断与鉴别诊断有重要作用 ,而且在临床决定手术或放疗前对肿瘤的局部和进展范围及其周围关系的正确判定中CT、MR检查是必要的。
Objective:T o analyze MR and CT appearance of skull base tumors.Methods: The clinical data and MR findings of 121 cases with skull base tumors were retro spectively analyzed.Results:The incidence of skull base tumors is as foll ows:pituitary adenoma (27/121), skull base invasion of nasopharynyeal tumor and paranosal sinuses tumor (16/121), schwonnoma (15/121), meningioma (14/1 21), metas tasis (7/121), neurofibroma (7/121),chordoma (6/121), fibrous dysplasia of bone (6/121), juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (5/121),paraganglioma (3/121), cho n droma (3/121) and nasopharyngeal fibrosarcoma (1/121). Skull base tumor has some w hat specific imaging, combined with the clinical and other related information ,the diagnosis can be given.Conclusion: Both CT and MR are reliable and helpful for the diagnosis and differentiation of skull base tumor and can provide more i nformation concerning the relation of the lesion with the neighboring structures ,which is very important for management.
Journal of Medical Imaging
Skull base tumor
Magnetic resonan ce imaging
Tomography,X-ray computed