目的 :探索家庭干预对青少年心理障碍患者的康复作用。 方法 :将 112例青少年心理障碍患者及家属随机分为干预组 (62例 )和对照组 (5 0例 ) ,由专业的心理治疗师对干预组进行为期一年、定期综合的心理治疗及心理教育式家庭干预 ,对照组仅为门诊 (或电话 )随访。于入组前及 1年末分别对两组患者的心理症状及教养方式进行SCL -90和EMBU的评估和比较。 结果 :入组前干预组和对照组SCL -90各因子分无明显差异 ,EMBU各因子分差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,干预后SCL -90各因子分均明显下降 ,均低于或等于国内常模 ,差异非常显著 (P <0 .0 1) ,EMBU各因子分也有明显的变化 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。 结论 :家庭干预能有效提高青少年心理障碍患者的心理健康水平 ,提高康复率 ,降低青少年心理障碍的发病率 ,减少药物的使用 ,减少病人的痛苦 。
Objective:To study the effect of familial intervention on rehabilitation of juvenile patients with mental disorder. Methods:112 juvenile patients with mental disorder were randomly dividedstudy group (62 cases) and control group(50 cases). Familial interventionand intergrated psychological therapy was carried out in study group bypsychologic psysician for 1 year. It was assessed with SCL-90 andEMBU before and after 1 year's intervention.Results: Beforeintcrvention,there was no significant diffenence in the scores of SCL-90and EMBU ( P >0.05). After intervention, the score of SCL-90significantly decreased ( P <0.01), while the score of EMBU hadsignificant difference ( P <0.05). Conclusions: Familial intervention can obviously improve the symptoms of juvenile pationts with mentaldisorder.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health