DS—CDMA的频谱和功率利用率极高,具有抗干扰能力强、保密性能好、辐射能量少等优点, 特别适合于卫星通信。本文叙述了数字DS—CDMA的基本原理,并对其抗干扰性能作了一定分析,同时介绍 了DS—CDMA在卫星通信中运用的情况。
The spectrum and power efficiency of DS - CDMA are very high, and it has the virtues of good anti - disturbance and safety performance and low radiation, is suitable for Satellite Communication. In this paper, the basic principle and anti - disturbance performance of DS - CDMA is analyzed and its use in satellite communication is introduced.
Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Electronics & Information Technology