Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Genetics )
1Wells D,Sherlock JK,Handyside AH,et al. Detailed chromosomal and molecular genetic analysis of single cells by whole genome amplification and comparative genomic hybridization. Nucleic Acid Res. 1999,27(4): 1214-1218. 被引量:1
2Bahado-Singh RO, Oz U, Shahabi S, et al. Comparision of urinary hyperglycosylated human chorionic gonadotropin concentration with the serum triple screen for Down syndrome detection in high-risk pregnancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol,2000,183(5): 1114-1118. 被引量:1
3Lee HH,Chang JG,Lin SP, et al. Rapid detection of trisomy 21 by HCQ-PCR. Hum Genet, 1997,99: 364-367. 被引量:1
4Valenti C,Schutta EJ,Kehaty T, et al. Prenatal diagnosis of Down's syndrome. Lancet, 1968,2(7561): 220. 被引量:1
5Rmanuel BS. The use of FISH to identify human chromosomal anomalies. Growth G enet Horm, 1993,9: 6-12. 被引量:1
6Ward BE,Gersen SL,Carlson RO, et al. Rapid prenatal diagnosis of chromosome aneuploidies by FISH: Clinical experience with 4500 specimens. Am J Hum Genet, 1993,52: 854-865. 被引量:1
7Jalal SM,Law ME,Carlson RO, et al. Prenatal detection of aneuploidy by directly labeled multicolored probes and interphase FISH.Mayo Clin Proc,1998,73: 132-137. 被引量:1
8Eiben B,Trawicki W,Hammans W, et al. A prospective comparative study on FISH of uncultured amniocytes and standard karyotype analysis. Prenat Diagn, 1998,18: 901-906. 被引量:1
9Pellestor F,Girardet A,Lefort G,et al. Rapid in situ detection of chromosome 21 by PRINS technique. AM J Med Genet, 1995,56(4):393-397. 被引量:1
10Verma L ,Macdonald F,Leedham P,et al. Rapid detection of trisomy 21 by HCQ-PCR.LANCET, 1998,352: 9-12. 被引量:1
1李璞.医学遗传学[M].重庆:重庆大学出版社,1993.193-195. 被引量:5
2Hus LYF.Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities through amniocentesis.In:Milunsky A ed. Genetic Disorders and the Fetus: diagnosis,prevention,and treatment. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988,179. 被引量:1
3Wald NJ,Cuckle HS,Densem JW,et al.Maternal serum screening for Down's syndrome in early pregnancy.BJM,1988,297(6 653):883-887. 被引量:1
4陆国辉.产前遗传病诊断[M]:第1版[M].广州:广州科技出版社,2000.169-270. 被引量:1
5Hus LYF. Prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities through amniocentesis. In: Milunsky A ed. Genetic Disorders and the Fetus:diagnosis, prevention, and treatment [ M ]. 4 th ed. Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. 179. 被引量:1
6Vogel M otulsky. Human genetics: Problem Approaches [ M ] . ed 3.Spinger - Verlag Berlin Heideberg, 1997. 被引量:1
7Wald NJ, Cuckle HS, Densen JW, et al. Maternal serum screening for Down's syndrom in early pregnancy[J]. B J M, 1988,297:883- 887. 被引量:1
8马晓丽,孙海基,陈安军,陈君.唐氏综合征(Down′s)产前筛查及诊断[J].中国优生与遗传杂志,2002,10(4):51-51. 被引量:19
1庞丽红,李敏清,许代娣,蒙春兰.孕中期21三体综合征产前筛查与产前诊断结果分析[J].中国优生与遗传杂志,2005,13(7):53-53. 被引量:1
1陶敏芳.Down’s综合征产前筛查假阳性与血清标志物测定值的关系分析[J].检验医学,2004,19(3):188-190. 被引量:9
2王丽旻,沙恩波.21及18三体综合征的产前超声筛查价值[J].中国实用医药,2016,11(36):79-80. 被引量:1
3段爱红,阮祥燕.Down’s综合征产前筛查方法进展[J].中国妇幼保健,2005,20(20):2726-2729. 被引量:3
4周玉侠,张莉,刘霞.孕中期Down′s综合征产前筛查的血清和血片方法的一致性研究[J].中国优生与遗传杂志,2010,18(3):62-63. 被引量:2
5Susan Mayor,向阳.试验证实Down's综合征应早期筛查[J].英国医学杂志中文版,1998,0(2):63-64.
8张颖 ,宋力 ,张秀玲 ,李岩 .产前基因诊断苯丙酮尿症发现Down’s综合征和Turner综合征各一例[J].中华医学遗传学杂志,2005,22(5):565-565.
9迟绍琴,宋世军,王玥红,陈奕微,吴晓彬.孕早期妇女血清学与超声学联合筛查Down综合征[J].中国优生与遗传杂志,2006,14(8):34-35. 被引量:3