对 30例行肝癌手术切除患者的临床资料进行分析 ,认为在肝癌患者中 ,绝大多数均伴有不同程度的肝硬化 ,故术前掌握明确的手术指征及可切除肝量或可剩余肝量的评估 ,认真做好术前准备 ,术中注意充分的肝脏游离 ,仔细地处理好肝创面和可能发生的出血或胆瘘 ,积极防治各种术后并发症是手术最终成败的关键 。
We find most patients suffered with hepatic carcinoma accompanied hepatic cirrhosis by analysising the data of 30 cases accepted hepatic operation.So controlling indication and right estimation of resected amount and remained part of liver before operation,careful preoperative preparision,full dissociation of liver,carefull management of liver cross-section,prevention of the complication after operation are the key of management.Local chemitherapy from the tube in hepatic artery and portal vein can prevent recurrence of carcinoma.
Journal of Kunming Medical College