埕岛油田东斜坡带东营组砂岩储层主要发育 3类流体包裹体 :盐水溶液包裹体、液态烃包裹体及气态烃包裹体。与有机包裹体共生的盐水溶液包裹体均一温度测定结果表明 ,CB80 4井盐水溶液包裹体的均一温度范围为 95~ 132℃ ,CB32井为 10 7~ 14 1℃ ,并且均一温度有随埋深增加而增高的趋势。根据盐水溶液包裹体均一温度 ,结合埋藏史与受热史分析 ,认为埕岛油田东斜坡带油气藏为一期成藏 ,成藏时间在 2 5Ma以后。
There are 3 types of fluid inclusions in Dongying Formation sandstone reservoirs on the eastern slope of the Chengdao oilfield: aqueous inclusion, liquid hydrocarbon inclusion and gas hydrocarbon inclusion. The homogenization temperatures of the aqueous inclusions coexisting with organic inclusions are 95~132℃ in Well CB804, and 107~141℃ in Well CB32, and they have shown an increasing trend with depth. Based on these temperature data and in combination with an analysis of burial and geothermal history, it can be concluded that the eastern slope of Chengdao oilfield has only one period of hydrocarbon accumulation, with its age about 2.5Ma.
China Offshore Oil and Gas
中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (批准号 :GIGCX 0 4 0 8)资助成果