Objective To evaluate CT scan as a preoperative evalua tion for cochlear implantation candidates. Methods Axial high-resolution temporal bone CT and three-dimensional reco nstruction of inner ear were performed in 93 patients with sensorineural hearing loss. Results Among 81 patients with congenital sensorineural deafness, Mondin i malformation was seen in 7 case (13 ears ); large vestibular aqueduct syndrome (LVAS) was revealed in 5 cases ( 8 ears ) ; and inner ear ossification was found in 1 case ( 2 ears ). In 1 case ( 2 ears ) of inner ear fibrosis, reduced cochl ear signal was noted on MRI but no unremarkable findings was shown on CT scan, h owever, in the operation, the device could not inserted into the basal circle of the cochlea, due to fibrous obliteration. In 12 patients with post-speech dea fness, chronic suppurative tympanitis was seen in 2 cases (4 ears ), and inner e ar ossification was revealed in 1 case ( 2 ears ) . Conclusion CT plays an indi spensable role in the pre-operative evaluation of cochlear implantation. T2-weighted FSE-MRI of the inner ear is a useful complementary to CT scan.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology