目的 观察系统的康复治疗对外伤后手功能障碍的疗效。方法 利用多种物理因子 ,结合运动疗法 ,中药薰洗及心理疗法 ,对 3 0例手外伤后功能障碍 ,造成手日常生活能力下降者康复治疗。结果 经过系统康复治疗后 ,采用拇指运动功能评价 ;示、中、环、小指Boye方法评价和英国医学研讨会标准进行手部皮肤感觉障碍的评价 ,手功能障碍改善明显。结论 系统康复治疗的及时介入能较好地改善手外伤后功能障碍 ,提高日常生活能力。
Objective To investigate the effects of rehabilitation on hand dysfunction caused by injuries.Methods 30 patients treated with electricity, light, pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF), therapeutic exercise, psychotherapy and steam generated by boiling Chinese herbs. Results The hand function of patients with systematic rehabilitation training improved significanty after training. Conclusion Systematic rehabilitation training is useful in improving hand dysfunction caused by injuries.
Anhui Medical Journal