利用填充有催化剂颗粒的低温等离子体反应器来脱除氮氧化物(NOx)是一种高脱硝率、应用前景广阔的技术,研究其脱除特性对于选择合适的催化剂和运行条件非常重要.建立了低温等离子体 催化协同脱除NO的实验系统,通过实验研究了Cu分子筛、等离子体的作用与O2、温度、水蒸气等因素之间的相互影响规律.结果表明,Cu分子筛催化剂是一种有效的催化剂,它对NO的等离子体脱除效率有很大促进作用;Cu分子筛能够促进NO的等离子体氧化脱除;温度对Cu分子筛和等离子体所起的作用相反;Cu分子筛能够促进水蒸气的等离子体化,提高脱硝率.
The removal of NOx in flue gas by using a plasma reactor packed with catalyst pellets is a promising technology for its high removal efficiency. The study on its removal characteristics is of significance for selecting appropriate catalysts and operating conditions. This paper established an experimental system of NO removal using the synergistic technology of non-thermal plasma and catalyst (Cu zeolite) simultaneously. With the experiments on the effects of O2, temperature and additive (water vapour) on the function of Cu zeolite and plasma it was found that Cu zeolite is an effective catalyst which can promote the NO removal efficiency in plasma remarkably. Cu zeolite can accelerate the NO removal in plasma when there is O2 in the reactor. Temperature has opposite effects on the function of catalyst and plasma. In addition, when there are additives in the plasma reactor, Cu zeolite can promote the removal efficiency greatly.
Journal of Combustion Science and Technology