目的:探讨海水浸泡弹烧复合伤伤后细菌学变化与常用药物的作用结果,为该类复合伤早期使用合理抗生素提供理论依据。方法:成功建立海水浸泡弹烧复合伤模型后,将15只成年杂种犬随机分为单纯弹烧复合伤组(简称非浸泡组7只)和海水浸泡弹烧复合伤组(简称浸泡组8只),于伤后即刻、4、6、10、20、28 h共6个时相点抽取静脉血进行血细菌培养,随机采集培养后的细菌(不记种类),分别用环丙沙星、丁胺卡拉霉素、庆大霉素、头孢哌酮等4种药物进行药敏实验。结果:弹烧复合伤动物经海水浸泡后菌血症出现早而且重;导致菌血症的细菌来源复杂,不仅有肠道菌群,还有海水特有菌群和皮肤常驻菌群;在实验所用的4种药物中,有效率分別是:环丙沙星85%、丁胺卡拉霉70%、庆大霉素80%、头孢哌酮75%。结论:在海水浸泡弹烧复合伤中,伤后早期就可出现严重的菌血症;在不考虑菌血症细菌种类的情况下,环丙沙星有较好的总体疗效。
Objective:To observe the results of different antibiotics on blood bacteria of projactile-burn combined injury in dogs with seawater immersion. Methods:Create model of progjactile-burn combined wound in dogs with seawater immersion, 15 dags were randomly divided into two groups : Projactile-burn-only(unimmersion group, UI), projactile-buru combined wound with seawater immersion (immersion group, 1). Blood sample were taken for bacterial culfure after injury immediately,4,7,10,20,28 h. The cultured bacteria were collected random for the eftects of ciprofloxacin, amikacin, cidomycin cofoperazone. Results: Bacteriemia was found in immersion group ealier and severier. The sources of bacteriemia was multiple. There was not only intestinal bacleriums found.but also surface bacteriums and seawater bacterium found in immersion group. Of the 4 kinds of drug we studied, the percentage of efficiency was ciprofloxacin 85%, amikacin 70%, cidomycin 80%, cefoperazone 75%. Conclusion:Severe bacteriemia was found in immersion group in early stage. In spite of the kindts of bacteria,the curative effect of ciprofloxacin is batler than other.
Journal of Clinical Emergency