

Experimental Observation of the Efficacy of Inactivating Viruses by Disinfectants Containing Iosine Laboratory of Viral GenetLa Engineering Research
摘要 本文研究比较了三种含碘消毒剂(碘酒、碘伏及含碘的神力消毒洗洁精),灭活有包膜的水泡性口腔炎病毒和无包膜的脊髓灰质炎病毒及破坏乙肝病毒表面抗原的抗原性的效果。实验结果表明三种含碘消毒剂都能高效灭活包膜病毒和无包膜病毒。破坏乙肝病毒表面抗原的抗原性所需有效碘浓度和作用时间远大于灭活上述两病毒所需的有效碘浓度和作用时间。提示破坏病毒的抗原性比灭活病毒要困难得多,这可能因为病毒的灭活只需涉及病毒表面化学构象的改变,而对抗原性的破坏需涉及对抗原分子化学结构和化学键的破坏。 The efficacy that three categories of disinfectants containing iodine, which were iodine ethanol, iodophor and Shenli disinfectant detergent, inactivated vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and Polioviruo (PV) and destroyed the antigenicity of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was campared.It indicated that these disinfectants were able to inactivate viruses with or without envelege at high efficacy (12.5ppm evailable iodine 10 minutes).The concentration (100ppm) of available iodine and time (30 minutes) used to destroy the antigenicity of HBsAg were much more than that used to inactivate PV and VSV.The experimental results suggested that destruction of antigeicity is much more difficult than virus inactivation.It is possible that the changes of chemical conformodion on virus surface give rise to inactivation of virus, where as the destruction of chemical structures and bonds in antigenic molecules are respossible for destroying of antigenicity.
出处 《衡阳医学院学报》 1993年第4期373-376,共4页
关键词 含碘消毒剂 病毒 灭活 抗感染药 Containing Iodine disinfectant Virus inactivation Efficacy
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