目的 探讨妊娠期人微小病毒B19感染的影响因素。方法 对489名孕妇血清进行B19病毒检测,在多元logistc逐步回归分析的基础上,应用探索性因子分析,探索支配病毒感染影响因素的潜在公因子。结果 应用多元logistic逐步回归模型筛选出16个妊娠期人微小病毒B19感染的影响因素,经因子分析,该16个影响因素由6个公因子支配,分别为农村与不良卫生习惯、精神因素、医务行业与环境因素、健康与疾病、不良行为与健康教育、血型等。结论 妊娠期B19病毒感染的控制,要从合理配置城乡卫生资源、培养孕妇良好的卫生习惯及健康的身心状况、高危孕妇的职业保护等多个方面来进行。
Objective To explore the risk factors of human parvovirius B19 infection in pregnancy and to provide guidelines for its prevention and control strategy. Methods Four hundred and eighty-six cases of gravida serum were detected for parvovirus B19 DNA by nested-polymerase chain reaction assay. Factors associated with parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy were investigated and analyzed, using mutiple logistic regression and factor analysis. Results Multiple logistic regression analysis suggested that there were 16 agents associated with parvovirus B19 infection during pregnancy, which were dominated by 6 potential factors listed as follows: countryside and bad hygienic habit, mental factor, occupational exposure to hospital and environmental condition, health and illness, bad behavior and health education and blood type. Conclusion The prevention strategy of parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy should include reasonable allocation of public health resources between city and countryside, and to promote health education and occupational health during pregnancy.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology