目的 :评价腹腔镜诊断治疗继发不孕症的临床价值。方法 :分析应用腹腔镜诊断和治疗继发不孕症 98例的临床资料。结果 :腹腔镜检查发现盆腔器质性病变 93例 ,检查阳性率为 94 9%。慢性盆腔炎、盆腔粘连和子宫内膜异位症是引起继发性不孕的主要盆腔疾病 ,占继发性不孕的 93 2 %。其中慢性盆腔炎、盆腔粘连占 5 2 0 % (5 1 98) ;子宫内膜异位症占 4 2 9% (4 2 98)。慢性盆腔炎、盆腔粘连患者中 94 1% (4 8 5 1)有一侧或双侧慢性输卵管梗阻 ;子宫内膜异位症患者中仅 9 5 % (4 4 2 )有输卵管梗阻。盆腔炎、盆腔粘连者多无急性盆腔炎病史 ,6 6 7% (34 5 1)无自觉症状。腹腔镜下予以相应治疗 ,术后 2 9 6 % (2 9 98)受孕。结论 :生殖道炎症及盆腔感染是继发性不孕的重要病因 ,其症状隐蔽 ,易忽视 ,应引起临床医师的高度重视。腹腔镜技术诊断和治疗继发性不孕症有重要价值 。
Objective:To investigate the cause of secondary infertility and evaluate the value of laparoscopy in di-agnosis and therapy of secondary infertility.Methods:The relationship between pelvic disease and secondary infertility in98female patients with laparoscopy was analyzed.Results:93cases with secondary infertility(94.9%)had pelvic diseas-es.Pelvic inflammatory disease.pelvic adhesions and endometriosis were major causes resulting in secondary infertility,approximately93.2%.The first cause of secondary infertilitywas pelvic inflammatory disease.pelvic adhesions(52.1%)and the second was endometriosis(42.8%).There were94.1%patients with pelvic inflammatory disease.pelvic adhe-sions and9.5%with endometriosis presented fallopian obstruction.Most of the patients with pelvic inflammatory disease.pelvic adhesions didn’t have history of acute process and66.6%were asymptomatic.Conclusions:Genital inflammatory disease and pelvic inflammatory disease are the important causes of secondary infertility which deserve to be drawn atten-tion.The important value of laparoscopy in diagnosis secondary infertility is that it could definite the pelvic cause and di-rect treatment.
Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery