同步数字体系 (SDH)是一种全新的技术体制 ,它具有强大的自愈功能和路由自动选择能力 ,上下电路方便 ,维护、控制、管理功能强 ,传输距离长 ,标准统一 ,不同厂家的设备互通性好 ,便于传输高速率的业务 ,能高效地传输电视、图像、语音。
SDH is one kind of fully new technical mechanisms. Its self-recovery and auto-select capabilies are very strong and its upstream and downstream circuits are both easy. Besides the transmission distance, the maintenance, control and management functions of SDH are also strong. It has the uniform standards. The compatibility of SDH devices made by different producer is good, SDH is capable to transmit high rate services, such as multimedia in formation of TV image voice and data.
China Digital Cable TV