介绍了国外固液火箭发动机研制的进展。阐明了固液发动机比冲、可多次启动 关机、推力可调、安全性好和成本低等特点。分析了固液发动机推进剂的燃烧特性和发动机性能特性、与液体和固体火箭发动机的不同,以及研制的技术难度等。最后探讨了固液火箭发动机的应用范围。
The development of hybrid rocket engine in abroad was introduced in this paper. The characteristics of hybrid engine such as specific impulse, adjustable thrust, safety and low cost were demonstrated. The propellant feature of burning behavior and engine in hybrid engine, the differences to liquid and solid engine and the difficulties of technology in development were analyzed. At last, the applied category of the hybrid engines was discussed.
Aerospace Shanghai