南满洲铁道株式会社”(简称“满铁”) ,在“九·一八”事变前就扶持各种反动势力 ,对中国东北进行政治、经济、军事、文化侵略 ,满铁的经营危机加快了“九·一八”事变爆发的步伐 ,成为引发“九·一八”事变的导火索 ;满铁直接参与了“九·一八”事变 ,为日本关东军提供军需军运 ,致使中国全东北沦陷。“九·一八”事变是日本军国主义大举侵略中国的严重步骤 ,也使满铁攫取东北铁路权益的侵略活动达到高潮。
This paper reveals the essential of the South Manchuria Railway Compan y with plentiful historical evidences. Before the “9/18 Incident”, the South M anchuria Railway Company gave aid to diverse reactionary forces and prompted Jap anese political, economic, military and cultural invasion of Northeastern China. Its management crisis accelerated and ignited the “9/18 Incident” directly. I ts action of providing military supplies and transportation for the Japanese Kan to Army resulted in the Japanese occupation of the whole Northeastern China, whi ch had laid a firm foundation for the Japanese militarists' massive invasion of the whole China. Meanwhile, the “9/18 Incident” marks the climax of the South Manchuria Railway Company's snatching over the railway rights and interests in N ortheastern China.
Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Social Sciences Edition)
铁道部"满铁路史研究"(科技综 [1998] 2 9)课题论文
South Manchuria Railway Company
the “9/18 Incident ”
Northeastern Railway