目的 调查稻田种植区蚊虫种类 ,蚊虫的孳生与其周围地理景观因素之间的关系。方法 设立13个成蚊调查点 ,使用人帐法捕捉成蚊 ;选 5块稻田作幼虫调查点 ,用勺舀法调查数量。结果 捕获成蚊 8种 ,幼虫 4种 ,13个调查点蚊虫的组成比例各不相同 ,淡色库蚊、三带喙库蚊、凶小库蚊、中华按蚊为当地成蚊的优势种。
Objective To investigate species of mosquitoes in rice growing area and relationship between geographical landscape and mosquitoes'breeding.Methods Selecting thirteen sites to sample adults and five pieces of rice fields to sample larvae. Surveying the species and density of adult and larva mosquitoes were surveyed with mosquito net and dipper.Results Eight species of adult and four species of larva mosquitoes were captured.There were different proportions of mosquitoes composing in thirteen sites. Cx. pipiens pallens, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, Cx. modestus and An. sinensis were the predominant species. Conclusion There was a very good relationship between geographical landscape and mosquitoes' distribution in rice growing area.
Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments