目的 了解分析驻刚果 (金 )维和人员恶性疟的误诊情况 ,为非洲恶性疟的正确诊断提供建议。 方法 调查 2 0 0 3年 4~ 12月 ,中国驻非洲刚果 (金 )维和二级医疗分队住院治疗疟疾病人中院外误诊的病例进行分析。 结果 96例住院治疗疟疾病人中 ,院外误诊为非疟疾病人 19例 ,均为恶性疟 ,院外误诊率占住院疟疾病人的 19 79% ;误诊为呼吸道感染的疟疾病人最多 ,占 12例。 结论 对刚果 (金 )恶性疟的高发形势和临床表现的多样性、疟疾实验室诊断的局限性认识不足 ,以及维和人员对疟疾的易感性和长期服用预防药物等因素 ,均是影响疟疾院外误诊的重要原因。
Objective To analyze the cause of misdiagnosis of falciparum malaria in peace-keeping forces in Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) and provide experience for accurate diagnosis of falciparum malaria in Africa. Methods Malaria cases admitted in Level 2 peace-keeping force hospital in DRC misdiagnosed before hospitalization from April to December 2003 were investigated. Results Of the 96 malaria cases hospitalized 19 falciparum malaria cases were misdiagnosed as other disease before hospitalization accounting for 19.79% of malaria cases hospitalized. Most of the falciparum malaria cases were misdiagnosed as upper respiratory infection(12 cases). Conclusion Falciparum malaria show multiple clinical manifestations with high incidence and without realization of the limitation of laboratory test, susceptibility of peace-keeping forces and administration of prophylactic drugs are the main causes leading to the misdiagnosis of the infection.
China Tropical Medicine