目的 观察阿齐霉素对早期梅毒治疗的效果 ,并根据公开发表的资料对阿齐霉素治疗梅毒的应用进行总结。 方法 使用阿齐霉素 5 0 0mg ,1次 /d ,连续 10d空腹口服治疗早期梅毒。在完成治疗时进行临床检查 ,完成治疗3个月及 6个月后进行临床及血清学随访。 结果 共有 14例病人随访超过 6个月 ,治疗结束 6个月后 14例病人无活动梅毒的任何表现 ,其中 13例病人在治疗 6个月后血清学仍然保持阴性或转为阴性 ,1例血清学未转阴的病人 ,RPR滴度从最初 1:3 2下降至 1:1。 结论 阿齐霉素对早期梅毒有良好的效果。其对潜伏梅毒及三期梅毒的效果仍需探讨。
Objective To assess the efficacy of azithromcin in the treatment of early syphilis and summarize the utilization of azithromycin in the treatment of syphilis based on published paper. Methods 500mg azithromycin once a day for 10 days was given to patients who were diagnosed with early syphilis, clinical and laboratory assessment was conducted 3 and 6 months after treatment. Results Of the 14 patients who were followed up for more than 6 months, all presented no symptoms of active syphilis at the 3rd month and 6th month of follow up. Of them ,13 cases remain PRP negative. one patient whose RPR test was still positive and significantly serological improvement 6 months after treatment. No serious side-effects were documented. Conclusion Azithromycin demonstrated very good efficacy in treating early syphilis, further studies are required to investigate its efficacy for latent and late syphilis.
China Tropical Medicine