用高分辨 1H NMR研究了不同溶聚丁苯橡胶链化学结构的特征 ,并对其中的化学组成特别是丁二烯异构体含量进行了定量计算 .揭示了轮胎工业中公认性能优良的拜尔溶聚丁苯橡胶具有较高的cis 1,4丁二烯异构体含量 ,而trans 1,4丁二烯异构体含量较低 ,1,2add丁二烯异构体含量和苯乙烯含量比较适中 ,而且丁二烯异构体具有一定的序列有序性 .正是这些结构因素 ,决定了拜尔溶聚丁苯橡胶能够对绿色轮胎低生热。
With a high-resolution 1H-NMR the features of solution-SBRs chain structures have being analyzed and made quantitative calculations of the chemical composites, in particular, the contents of butadiene isomers have being made. It is reveal that the Bayer solution-SBR, whose performance is highly recognized in the tire industry, has a high content of cis-1,4 butadiene isomers, a low content of trans-1,4 butadiene isomers, and a medium contents of 1,2add butadiene isomers and styrene units, as well as that the butadiene isomers display orderly characteristics in the sequence. The above structural features determine that Bayer solution-SBR can play good role in the balance of the low heat building up, anti wet skip and antiwear properties of green tire.