邺城与安阳城是否同为一城的纠葛由来已久。邺城建于春秋 ,作为都城始于曹操 ,后赵等相继以邺城为都 ,公元 5 80年毁于大火。以邺城为都的同时 ,安阳城已经存在 ,位于现安阳城附近。考古发现证明 ,安阳不仅是殷代晚期的都城 ,更是殷代早期都城所在地。安阳与邺城历史上有过互相管辖的历史。安阳城自东汉晚期以来 ,一直存在且位置没有太大变动。安阳城与邺城是两个不同时期的两座不同的都城 ,历史上有十分密切的联系。
The issue which considered that Anyang city and ye city are identical is faulty and the argument over it has also a long history. Ye city was built as early as period of chunchu. It was chaochao who firstly made it became the capital of the whole coantry. Since then. most danasties regard it as their capital . for example the danasty of hozhao. In 580. It was destroied with fire and become a ruin. With ye city being a capital. Anyang city had been existing for a long time and was located near the place where Today's Anyang city was situated. Based on arcaeological materials. It consider that not only in the later period of Yin danasty, but also in the early period of yin danasty, Anyang city had been the danasty's capital. They all have a period of time when one city belong to the other from the danasty of donghai on ,the place where Anyang City situated changed little. Ye city and Anyang city are both very famous for being capital but they have no common in place and period . moreover ,the two city have intact relation in history.
Yindu Journal
Ye city
Anyang City