心理素质的好坏是影响体育特长生成绩和技能发挥的重要因素。培养体育特长生良好的心理素质是中学体育教学的重要任务之一。根据体育教学特点和体育特长生在体育活动中的心理状态 ,运用体育心理学等方面的有关知识探讨体育教学对培养体育特长生心理素质的影响和作用 ,以及加强体育特长生心理素质的途径和方法。
Psychological quality is an important factor affecting the scores and skill development of students with special ability in sports, the improvement of which is, therefore, one of the important tasks for middle school PE teaching. The author, by applying psychology of PE while taking into consideration the cha racteristics of PE teaching and the mental state of exercising, probes into the effects and functions of PE education in the improvement of psychological qualit y of students w ith special ability of sports, and discusses some methods of strengthening their psychological quality.