商业诽谤行为是一种公开对特定商事主体及其财产或财产的品质等进行诋毁 ,造成其经济利益损害的行为。对于商业诽谤行为 ,我国仅仅通过《刑法》和《反不正当竞争法》对其进行禁止 ,具有一定的不完善性。只有立足于《民法通则》 ,对商业诽谤行为予以民事法律制裁 ,才能够全面完善对商事主体的保护 ,维护正常的商业交易秩序。
Trade libel is the publication of matter disparaging another's property or the quality of another's property,which the publication should recognize is likely to cause pecuniary loss to the owner.In China,Trade libel is banned by criminal law,unfair competitive law and qeneral principles of the civil law.In order to protect the system of merchant transaction,the civil legal sanction should be perfected.
Journal of Henan Administrative Institute of Politics and Law