微软的活动数据对象(ADO)模型,描述了软件中存取多种数据源的统一接口,并提供了实现ADO模型的COM组件,使得不同程序设计语言均可使用ADO。本文简要分析了ADO的特点及与开放式数据库连接(ODBC)的差异,分析了ADO的特点及与开放式数据库连接(ODBC)的差异,讨论了ADO的应用前景。并结合实例阐述了在Visual C++环境下使用ADO操纵数据库的基本步骤。
the modei of Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) describes the united interface for ac-cess the data source of software and supplies the ADO component. It allows different programming lan-guages to using ADO. This paper briefly analyses the feature of ADO , compares it with the ODBE (Open Database Connect) and discusses the applied future of ADO. It also illustrates the basie steps of using ADO to operate database In Visual C + +.
Microcomputer Applications