To simulate the vertical structure of oceanic current in an interested area with less computer time a combined two-and three-dimensional numerical model is developed. The 3-D model covers the interested area and the 2-D model covers a larger area. The sea-surface elevation and the depth-mean current are computed from the 2-D model with an explicit scheme, thus the time step is restricted by the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition. In the 3-D domain the sea-surface elevation is known and the current is obtained by solving the momentum equations using an implicit and thus unconditionally stable scheme. The nonlinear terms and the bottom stress calculated in the 3-D model are then fed back to the 2-D computation. Thus, the computations of external mode and internal mode are splitted but coupled, resulting in allowance of much larger time step in 3-D compution.The numerical model is applied to the simulation of the tides and tidal currents in the Beibuwan Gulf (Gulf of Tonkin). The 3-D model covering an area of 2.5°×2.5° to the southwest of Hainan Province is embedded in a 2-D model, which covers the whole area of the Beibuwan Gulf. The horizontal grid spacing is 1/8 degree and the water column in the 3-D model is divided into 5 layers. The time steps in 2-D and 3-D models are 90s and 450s, respectively.The model produced tidal harmonics are in good agreement with the empirical ones. The model produced vertical structure of tidal current is consistent with the observed one and the basical features of both the computed and observed vertical distributions of tidal current agree with the theoretical conclusion advanced by Fang and Ichiye (1983).
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica
Three-dimensional model Embedding Mode-splitting technique Tide