外科手术是治疗乳腺癌的主要手段。回顾乳腺癌外科手术的发展史 ,大致可分为原始局部切除、乳腺癌根治术、扩大根治术、改良根治术和保乳手术 5个阶段。其中改良根治术和保乳手术是目前治疗乳腺癌常用的术式 ,尤其是保乳手术既考虑治疗效果 ,又兼顾美观 ,是早期乳腺癌的最佳手术方式。
Surgery is the major treatment for breast cancer. This paper reviews the history of surgery for breast cancer, which can be divided into five stages, namely, primary local excision, radical mastectomy, extensive radical mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery. Modified radical mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery are the most popular surgical therapy. The breast-conserving surgery which have good therapeutic and cosmetic outcome is especially the preferred method for early breast cancer.
Chinese Journal of Medical History