经络学说起源于对“脉”的解剖生理学认识 ,以脉行的路径为经脉 ,以脉行的分支横出的径路为络脉 ,从而逐渐形成了经脉和络脉的概念。“经络”两字的字源学含义也具有神经系功能。对经络学说提出挑战的是来自西方医学的传入 ,即人们在认识神经学说的结构与功能之后 ,来阐释经络沟通人体体表与体表上、下之间 ,体表与内脏内、外之间特异联络、调控和反应功能。在明末传入的西方解剖生理学 ,或是在晚清西方医学科学的东传过程中 ,与经络功能相关的中医词汇如“细筋”、“系”等曾作为“nerve”的汉译名词 ,从而在中西医汇通的初创阶段 ,奠定了经络与神经功能活动相关的文字转换基础。
Originated for the recognition on the anatomy and physiology of “vessel', the theory of channel treats the running pathway of the vessel as jing mai (channel vessel), with its transverse branches as mai (vessel), thus the idea of jing luo and jing mai was gradually formed and the connotation of “channel (jing luo)' is with the etymological connotation of function of the nerve. The challenge to channel theory comes from the introduction of western medicine, or in other words, people interpret the communication among the body surface and the upper and lower parts of the surface, the special connection between the body surface and the internal organs, the adjusting and reaction function. During the introduction of western anatomy-physiology in the late Ming dynasty or the eastward introduction of western medical science at the late Qing dynasty, the terms of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) connected with channel functions, including “minute tendon (xi jin)', “connection (xi)' had been rendered as the Chinese translation of 'nerve'. Thus, the language transforming basis between channel and nerve function was laid down at the first stage of confluence between TCM and western medicine.
Chinese Journal of Medical History