同仁会是 190 2年 6月日本在东京成立的 ,以在中国及邻近各国普及日本先进的医学、医疗为目的的医疗事业团体。至 194 6年 2月在中国进行了开医院、出版刊物等 4 0多年活动。该会在标榜“医学普及和交流”的另一面 ,随着日本侵华势力的扩张 ,其接受政府行政指导 ,为日军提供医疗服务和便利 ,对抗欧美医疗活动等特征越发明显 ,因此实质上演变成了一个协助日本侵略亚洲的医疗团体。
Colleagues Association was established in Tokyo, Japan in June ,1902 as a professional medical group aiming at the spread of advanced Japanese medical science in China and to other neighboring countries. Until February 1946, it carried out many medical activities such as opening hospitals and publishing journals for over four decades. It flaunted the banner of medical spread and exchange, but on the other hand, it provided Japanese army with medical service and facilities and resisted European and American medical activities after being supervised by the Japanese government with the aggression against China. So it changed into a medical organization to assist the Japanese government to invade Asia.
Chinese Journal of Medical History