介绍了《玻璃幕墙工程技术规范》JGJ10 2 - 2 0 0 3设计部分的修订内容。涉及总则 ,术语、符号 ,材料 ,建筑设计 ,结构设计的基本规定 ,框支承幕墙的设计 ,全玻幕墙设计 ,点支承玻璃幕墙设计等内容 。
The revised deign part of the Technical Specification of Glass Curtain Wall Engineering JGJ102-2003 is introduced and the contents related to general provision, terminology, symbol, material, architectural design, structural design, design of frame-supported curtain wall, design of full glass curtain wall and design of point-support glass curtain wall are involved, with the focus on the explanation of revised items.
Building Science