渤中 2 5 1油田原油产于沙河街组 ,属于含蜡轻质油 ;渤中 2 5 1S油田原油产于明化镇组 ,属于重质油 ;2种原油的油品性质相差很大 ,在混合输送及处理过程中可能会析出沥青质而影响生产。通过实验对 2种原油的相容性进行了分析 ,结果表明 :这 2种原油可以混合输送和处理 ,且混合后还有助于保持混合液中沙河街组原油中蜡的稳定性 ,降低沙河街组原油的凝固点。
The oil of BZ 25、1 oil field is produced from Shahejie formation, belonging to waxy light oil, while the oil of BZ 25、1S oil field is produced from Minghuazhen formation, belonging to heavy oil. The oil characteristics are very different between the two fields, so that asphaltene may be dropped out during mixed pipelining and processing of them and the production will be impacted. The compatibility of the two kinds of oil has been analyzed through experiments and the analysis results have indicated that, not only the oils can be mixed for pipelining and processing, but also the mixed oil is also helpful to keep the stability of wax and lower the solidification point of Shahejie oil.
China Offshore Oil and Gas