采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法等方法 ,以解放军体育学院散打队运动员为研究对象 ,对武术散打运动中膝关节损伤及其防治的状况进行了研究 ,研究发现了膝关节损伤产生的原因 ,损伤的性质 ,训练年限与损伤的关系和诊断治疗以及预防情况 ,并在此基础上提出了科学合理的防止膝关节损伤的方法和建议 ,目的是希望引起对膝关节损伤及其防治的重视 ,以减少它的发病率。
Objects: the athletes of free sparring team in PLA Institute of Physical Education aims:to find the cause,prevention and treatment of knee joint injury in free sparring, methods literature review,questionnaire investigation,experts review and so on.The result shows the cause,character, prevention and treatment of the injury,and the relationship between the injury and the time athletes spend in this sport.On the basis of the result, scientific methods are given to prevent and treat this kind of injury.This research is aimed to raise the emphasis of prevention and treatment of knee joint injury.
free sparring
knee joint injury
research of prevention and treatment