通过社会调查和科学分析 ,认为今后一个时期高等职业教育毕业生总的社会需求趋势是逐渐上升的 ;但就业情况将出现分化 ,岗位层次上的差距将拉大 ;毕业后自主创业将成为时尚 ;对就业岗位的选择将不断变化 ;与地区经济的发挥实现更紧密、更有机的结合 ;
Through social investigation and scientific analysis,the author thinks that the social demand for the graduates from higher professional education will be gradually increasing hereafter,but the unemployment still exists, the gap between the post level will be widened.Starting an undertaking will be fashionable.Jobs will be changed constantly,and will be closely combined with the local economy.The graduates' quality will become more and more important in solving the employment problem.
Journal of Liaoning Institute of Technology(Social Science Edition)