目的 探讨能提高泪道激光成形术治愈率及降低费用的有效药物。方法 将 65例 70眼行泪道激光成形术的泪道阻塞随机分为对照组和试验组。对照组术后常规用庆大霉素和地塞米松混合液冲洗泪道 ;试验组在对照组用药的基础上加用萧莱威和四环素可的松眼膏混合剂进行治疗。结果 试验组 3 7眼 ,治愈 3 0眼 (81 0 8% ) ,好转 7眼 (18 92 % ) ;对照组 3 3眼 ,治愈 2 2眼 (66 67% ) ,好转 10眼 (3 0 3 0 % ) ,无效 1眼 (3 0 3 % )。两组比较差异有非常显著意义 (P <0 0 1)。结论 泪道激光成形术后加用萧莱威和四环素可的松眼膏混合剂治疗泪道阻塞 ,组织损伤小 ,再通效果好 ,治愈率高 ,费用较低。
Objective To explore the effective medicine which can improve the curative rates of laserplastic operation in lacrimal duct occlusion. Methods 65 cases (70 eyes) of lacrimal duct obstruction were treated with laserplastic operation were randomly divided into control and experimental groups.The control group was rinsed by the mixture of gentamycin and dexamethasone;the experimental group was not only rinsed by the mixture of gentamycin and dexamethasone but also treated with the mixture of celluvisc and cortisone tetracycline. Results In the experimental group,30 eyes were cured(81.08%),7 eyes were improved(18.92%);in the control group,22 eyes were cured(66.67%),10 eyes were improved (30.30%),1 eye was no effect (3.03%),showed significant difference( P <0.01) between two groups.Conclusion Laser associated with the treatment of the mixture of celluvisc and cortisone tetracycline is a more successful and cheap method for the treat ment obstruction of lacrimal duct.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries