加拿大英语经过上百年的发展已经成为一种独具特色的英语变体。一方面 ,由于历史、地理等原因 ,加拿大英语兼具了英国英语和美国英语的许多语言特征 ,这种兼容性构成了加拿大英语的一个重要特征。另一方面 ,加拿大英语在同英语传统核心保持密切联系的同时 ,也产生了许多源于加拿大独特的历史环境和反映加拿大特有的文化传统的语言元素 ,形成了加拿大英语的独特性。此外 ,加拿大是一个多元化国家 ,所以加拿大英语另一个语言特征还体现在语言来源上的多元性。加拿大英语作为一种独立的语言现象、一种国家的语言 ,势必会得到应有的重视 。
After hundreds of years’ development, Canadian English has become a true national language and has its national identity. Due to the historical and regional factors, most of the language features of Canadian English are found in either British English or American English, and sometimes in both. It is the particular combinations of these features that set apart Canadian English. While culturally and politically independent, Canadians have a very distinctive variety of English; different from Br. E and Am. E in terms of vocabulary, syntax, pronunciation, etc, Canadian English has developed into a unique variety of English. In addition, a lot of borrowings from other languages form another part of the unique Canadian vocabulary and reflect important aspects of the experience of the Canadian people. As a unique linguistic phenomenon as well as a national language, it is quite certain that Canadian English should develop in its own way.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)
Canadian English
language features
unique identity