The bone holes of 3mm in diameter were created on the femur of 6 New Zealand white rahbits and l2 tita-nium cylinder implants of l1mm in length and l. 5mm in diameter inserted in the holes. Afer the placement ofeach implan, space was formed between the implants and bone. Titanium membrane was fixed on the implantand under the periosteum on one femur of animal and without titanium membrane on the other femur as con-trol. The response of muscle to titaniurn membrane was also studied. Results showed that the inteffoce be-tweeen the membrane and musle displays ideal biocompatibility without inflanmation rempse and the fibertissues and cells around titanium get mature as time goes on. Fihen tissue growns into the space between theimplant and primmp bone dri out of the implant hole in control side, but the experiment side did not showthe fiber tissue in the space from out of the implant hole. The intersting finding was that the osteoplastic re-sponse arotind the implant was stronger, earlier in experiment side than in the control side. It was coneludedthat the tissue growth around implant was guided by titanium membrane.
Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology