
企业内部市场:起源、演进及挑战 被引量:27

Internal Markets of Enterprise: Origin, Evolution and Challenges
摘要 本文通过对工商管理史料的考察,认为M型结构是内部市场的摇篮;指出随着M型结构的推广,内部市场定价方法不断细化,竞争机制逐步引入企业内部并打破内部垄断,以及价格机制参与企业内部生产协调的范围从基本活动延伸到辅助活动;阐述了内部市场对科斯关于企业本质的命题、企业管理范式、交易费用经济学的逻辑完整性等提出的挑战;文章最后还指出了开展内部市场理论研究需要特别注意的问题。 Based upon literatures about the history of business administration, the paper explores the origin of internal markets, and argues that large and multi-units enterprises made transfer pricing an important aspect of business administration, and that it is the multi-divisional structure which transformed transfer prices into coordination mechanisms and thus gave birth to the internal market. The paper also points out that the methods of internal pricing increased and that internal monopolies have been broken by the competition inside the enterprises as the multi-divisional structure evolved, and that internal markets have been used by enterprises to coordinate internal services as while as primary activities since 1980. Finally, the paper makes clear and describes three challenges by the internal market to business adminstration and economics, i.e. the challenge to the proposition about the nature of the firm by R. Coase, the challenge to management paradigm, and that to the logic completeness of transaction cost economics.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第9期72-79,共8页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"大型企业跨部门生产协调机制市场化理论与模型研究"(批准编号70371060)
关键词 内部市场 起源 演进 协调机制 internal market origin evolution coordination mechanism
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