西方自然主义教育思想 ,是西方近代大多数教育家所关注的理论 ,它不仅对近代的教育思想和实践产生过积极的作用 ,而且对西方现代教育思想和实践有过积极影响。
The western natural education is the theorythat mostcontemporary western educationalists have been devoted to, with great influences on the contemporary educational thoughts and practices. This paper is intended to explore over the formation, growth and historical contributions of the natural educationalthoughts from perspectives of the psycho-pedagogical mode focusing on nature of children, the children as the center of education focusingon individualization, human researches of educational science focusing on the relationship between education and children development. Consequently, a systematic teaching theoryis to be founded with comprehensive teaching principles.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)