少有文献报道心脏起搏器植入术后可能发生深静脉血栓 (deepvenousthrombosis ,DVT) ,但DVT会严重影响病人的预后和生活质量 ,并可导致更为致命的肺动脉栓塞。DVT的危险因素、治疗策略和二级预防 ,各研究不尽相同。我们检索了CochraneLibrary ,PubMed和Guideline网站上有关DVT的系统评价和随机对照试验。证据显示 ,既往有DVT史、年龄 >4 0岁和有手术史是DVT的重要危险因素。肝素初始化治疗和华法令在维持期的治疗是必须和有效的 ,可改善病人的预后。对于发生过DVT的病人 ,在未来的高危状态下 ,可用肝素和 (或 )
Little has been reported about deep venous thrombosis(DVT) that occurs after the implantation of the cardiac pacemaker. DVT affects the prognosis and quality of life of patients severely, or even causes fatal pulmonary embolism. Research on its risk factors, therapeutic strategy and secondary prevention does not coincide with one another. We have searched the systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials of DVT through PubMed, Cochrane Library and Guideline. Evidence has showed that previous DVT, over 40 years of age, and surgical history are the major risk factors. Initial treatment of DVT with heparin and maintenance therapy with oral anticoagulant are indispensable and effective, and could improve the prognosis of patients. If patients with previous DVT are at increased risk in the future, heparin and / or oral anticoagulant application may be used for prophylaxis.
Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine