朱熹的人格美学在其理学美学中具有核心的地位和指归的意义 ,而其人格美学自身又有内在的逻辑结构。就人格美构成的本体、实体和象体而言 ,有“性—情—行”三个层次 ;就人格境界的高低而言 ,则有外在的为功的才人境界、内在的为善的贤人境界、德才兼备内外交融的君子境界和天人合一自然浑成的圣人境界 ,后者又称天地境界 ,是朱子人格美学和朱子理学追求的最高境界。
Zhu Xi's Personality Aesthetics was the core of his Neo-Confucian aesthetics and had intention significance, it also had inherent logical structure. There are three arrangements of ideas-Nature, Feeling and Behavior-with regard to noumenon, substance and phenomenon which are the elements of personality aesthetics; with regard to the superiority and inferiority of personality aesthetics, there are three levels: the external realm of talent scholars which is achievements-oriented; intrinsic realm of virtue people which is goodwill oriented; realm of gentleman pursuing both external and intrinsic blended and virtue and talent blended; realm of wise man pursuing that the heaven and human being naturally unified into a entity. The last realm is also called Heaven-human realm, it is the highest realm pursued by Zhu Xi's personality aesthetics.
Literature,History,and Philosophy