

Poetic Reconstruction of the Semantic Structure of the Word
摘要 本文首先从形式语言学和结构语言学的角度分析诗歌语境中词语语义结构的消解,然后从社会文化文本和作家个性化总文本的角度探讨被解构的词语碎片在新的参照系中语义重构的过程。文章通过词语语义的诗性重构,力图表明如下观点:语言是人们生命体验和世界知识的沉淀表层。在这个表层之下,是我们人生体验和人类文化的宝库。语言只是这个宝库诸多钥匙中的一把钥匙,诸多检索系统中的一个检索系统。而作为检索系统,语言不仅要有自己的形成规则和转换规则,而且与其他的检索系统之间必须有诸多链接重组的接口。而词语语义的诗性解构和重构,就是诗人为了表现内心体验使语言系统与其它表意系统相互链接拼装重组的动态过程。 This paper is first of all an investigation into the poetic deconstruction of the semantic structure of the word in terms of semantic feature, and proposition function. Then it attempts a further study of the reconstruction of deconstructed semantic shreds in terms of cultural context and the individual corpus of the poet抯 works. The paper holds that language is a surface structure of common human experience and knowledge, a primary index system both with its own rules of generation and transformation and with interface plugs to other indices at various levels. The poetic deconstruction and reconstruction of the semantic structure of the word is a dynamic process required of the primary index system by human individual instinct to make his inner experience articulate.
作者 杨小洪
出处 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第6期65-71,共7页 Journal of Foreign Languages
关键词 形式语言学 结构语言学 语境 语义结构 词汇 meaning of the word proposition function λ-conversion Wordsworth poetic reconstruction
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