目的 探讨经后路植入椎体间螺纹融合器 (BAK)及椎弓根内固定对腰椎失稳症治疗的临床效果。方法 对 14 6例腰椎失稳症患者采用后路椎管及神经根管减压、短节段椎弓根系统固定并椎间植入BAK手术治疗。结果 14 6例患者术后随访 8~4 8个月 ,平均 2 6个月。未发现椎间植骨不融合情况 ,术后优良率 94 5 %。结论 后路椎间植入BAK并配合椎弓根内固定技术具有入路简单 ,并能充分减压的特点 ,它克服了传统椎间融合术的许多不足 ,提高了对腰椎失稳症的治疗效果。
Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of posterior inter-body fusion with pedicle screws and threaded cages (BAK) for treatment of the instability of the lumbar spine.Methods Posterior lumbar decompression, short segment fixation with pedicle screws and inter-body fusion with BAK cages were used to treat the mechanical instability of the lumbar spine in 146 cases.Results The postoperative follow-up time was average 26 months (range 8~48 months) in 146 patients.There was no fusion failure in interbody of lumbar vertebrae and the excellent and good rate was 94.5%.Conclusion The posterior approach of lumbar inter-body fusion with pedicle screws and BAK cages is most frequently utilized. It will obtain a sufficient decompression on neural tissues in the central and nerve root canals. And this method overcome some shortcoming of traditional techniques of inter-body fusion. It improve clinical efficacy of treating lumbar instability.
The Journal of Bone and Joint Injury