目的 :研究心房颤动 (房颤 )病人血浆血栓素B2 (TXB2 )、6 -酮 -前列腺素F1α(6 -K -PGF1α)浓度变化 ,探讨房颤引起血栓前状态 (Prethromboticstate ,PTS)的机制。方法 :用放射免疫分析对 2 1例孤立性阵发性房颤者 (IPAF)分别于房颤发作及终止后 1周测定外周静脉血浆TXB2 、6 -K -PGF1α浓度 ,并与 2 8例孤立性持续性房颤 (ISAF)、2 7例二尖瓣狭窄伴持续性房颤 (RHD)、32例阵发性室上性心动过速 (PSVT)及 35例健康志愿者相比较。结果 :IPAF房颤发作时 ,ISAF及RHD病人血浆TXB2 浓度和TXB2 / 6 -K -PGF1α比IPAF房颤终止后 1周、PSVT、正常对照组明显上升 ,而 6 -K -PGF1α无差别。TXB2 浓度及TXB2 / 6 -K -PGF1α比值与IPAF房颤发作时间呈正相关 ,而与患者年龄、性别及左心房内径等临床参数无关。结论
Objective To study the changes of plasma levels of TXB 2, 6-K-PGF 1α in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and to explore the mechanism of prethrombotic state (PTS) induced by AF. Methods Plasma levels of TXB 2, 6-K-PGF 1α were measured with RIA in 21 patients with isolated paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (IPAF) both during and one week after termination of the attack. Levels were also measured in 28 patients with isolated sustained AF (ISAF), 27 patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis associated with persistent AF (RHD), 32 patients with paroxysmal supraventriculr tachycardia (PSVT) and 35 controls. Results Plasma levels of TXB 2 and TXB 2/6-K-PGF 1α in: (1) patients with IPAFduring AF, (2) patients with ISAF and (3) patients with RHD were significantly higher than those in (1) patients with IPAF one week after termination of attack, (2) patients with PSVT and (3) the controls, but there were little difference in plasma 6-K-PGF 1α levels. Values in patients with PSVT were not much different from those in controls. Plasma TXB 2 and TXB 2/6-K-PGF 1α levels were positively correlated to the duration of the attack, but bore no relation to such parameters as: age, sex, mitral valve area, ejection fraction and inner diameter of left atrium. Conclusion These results indicate that the changes of TXB 2 and TXB 2/6-K-PGF 1α levels in plasma in the patients with AF are caused by the irregular contractile activity of atrium.
Journal of Radioimmanology