根据对已使用了 10、2 0、4 0年的既有未碳化混凝土所进行的单轴受压试验结果和测得的 2 4条应力 -应变全过程曲线 ,发现其延性比、峰值应变、极限应变和弹性模量与同强度的新混凝土 (龄期 2 8d)相比 ,均有不同程度的下降 ,总结了它们随使用年限的变化规律 。
This paper describes a series of tests carried out on the uniaxial compression of existing un\|carbonated concrete that had been in service for 10,20 and 40 years, respectively, and 24 complete stress\|strain curves in total were obtained. Compared with fresh concrete of the same strength (28 days of curing period), the behavior parameters in terms of ductility ratio, peak strain, ultimate strain and elastic modulus were found to decline to different degrees and the changing laws of these parameters with the increase of service life were generalized based on the test results. It is therefore recommended that the adverse effects of these parameters should be taken into account if members are planned to be used further.
Industrial Construction
黑龙江省博士后科研启动资金资助项目 (编号为 :LRB -KY0 10 2 5 )