采用溶胶凝胶工艺制备了一种介孔生物活性玻璃涂层。玻璃的组成范围为(mol%): CaO16~21,P2O54,SiO275~80。样品采用体外实验(invitro)方法,在模拟体液(SBF)内浸 泡不同时间。通过测定样品在SBF中浸泡不同时间时溶液pH值的变化,并采用XRD、SEM 等测试技术,研究了样品的生物活性和显微结构。结果表明:玻璃涂层的介孔尺寸为10~ 20nm,并保持开孔状态。玻璃涂层在SBF中24h内已开始形成HCA层,7天后已形成多晶 态HCA层,显示了玻璃涂层具有较高的生物活性,在药物胶囊缓释系统中具有广阔的应用前 景。
A mesoporous bioactive glass coating was prepared via sol-gel route with the composition range of 16~21 CaO, 4 P_2O_5, 75~80 SiO_~2 in mol % in the CaO-P_2O_5-SiO_2 system. In vitro bioactivity tests were performed in simulated body fluid (SBF). The change of pH data in the SBF after coating immersion was analyzed, and the surfaces of the specimens were evaluated by XRD and SEM before and after in vitro testing to study the bioactivity and surface morphology. The results revealed that the mesopore size is in the range of 10~20 nm and the coating remained open. A HCA layer started to form on the surface in 24h after glass coating was soaked in SBF and. after 7 days immersion in SBF, HCA layer consisted of numerous HCA crystllites. The formation of HCA layer indicates that this glass coating exhibits superior bioactivity. The coatings are proposed as bioactive vehicles for drug encapsulation and controlled release.
Journal of Shaanxi University of Science & Technology