20世纪的“哲学的革命”实际上是哲学形态的改变、是思的性质的改变。无论在分析阵营抑或是在现象学阵营,把哲学与世界观划等号的作法都受到了严厉的批判。在分析哲学家看来,世界观哲学之误在于它是用伪命题表达一种伪知识,真正的哲学之思是分析活动;而在现象学家看来,世界观哲学之误在于它与自然科学思维的盲目认同,从而丢掉了哲学之思的独特性,真正的哲学之思是本源性的思。 20世纪世界观哲学的批判,是哲学在日益昌明的科学面前一种自我定位,是哲学生存权利的一种捍卫。
The revolution of philosophy in the 20th century is a kind of change of form of philosophy,The traditional world- view philosophy is criticized both by analytic philosophy and phenomenological philosophy.The author discusses Husserl and Heidegger's critique on world- view philosophy,and concludes that the critique on world- view philosophy from analytic philosophy and phenomenological philosophy is a kind of self- defense of philosophy for its right of existence in the age of science.
Open Times